Entrepreneurs: Step Away From The Keyboard
It’s very easy to get into the habit of working non-stop, but often times, the appearance of an incredible work ethic leads to less productivity. Just the other day I posted an image to our Startup Memes page as a joke, but it resonated with a lot of people: Saturday is just another work day for many entrepreneurs.
You can’t build a serious business without putting in time. When I was building AllFacebook, I remember spending 6 days a week, 14 hours a day, trying to come up with blog posts. While my brute force attempt at entrepreneurship worked out, I’ve since learned the art of moderation.
While staring at (or through) the computer yesterday Natasha walked over and suggested that we go for a car ride. That car ride has ended up being more ambitious than the average ride (we’re driving to the Grand Canyon), but the 6-hour drive down to Santa Barbara last night ended up being immensely productive.
We now have a much clearer vision of our long-term vision of StartupStats that we’re incredibly excited about. If there’s one thing that was key in boosting our long-term productivity, stepping away from the computer has surely been it.
I should note that a three day drive to the Grand Canyon is not completely necessary. One six-hour drive probably would have been sufficient. However now we’ll have some great photos to add to our personal collection! What strategies have you used to boost your productivity?